study plan — mokymo planas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Valstybinis dokumentas, kuriuo nustatoma, kokie mokymo dalykai turi būti dėstomi atskirose klasėse ir įvairių tipų mokyklose, kiek jiems skiriama valandų per savaitę klasėje, per visus mokslo… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas
Study abroad — Studying abroad is the act of a student pursuing educational opportunities in a foreign country. Typically classes taken while studying abroad award credits transferable to higher education institutions in the home country; however, students may… … Wikipedia
plan d'enseignement — mokymo planas statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Dokumentas, kuriame nurodoma mokymo turinio struktūra, mokymo trukmė, apimtis. Planai gali būti: specialybės, teorinio ir (arba) praktinio mokymo, atskiro mokomojo dalyko. Planas… … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
Plan 1919 — was a military strategy drawn up by J.F.C. Fuller in 1918 during World War I. His plan criticised the practice of physically destroying the enemy, and instead suggested a lightning thrust toward the command center of the German army. His plan… … Wikipedia
plan|et|ol|o|gy — «PLAN uh TOL uh jee», noun. the scientific study of the planets: »General planetology [is] a branch of astronomy that deals with the study and interpretation of the physical and chemical properties of planets (New Scientist) … Useful english dictionary
Plan d'etude croise — Plan d étude croisé Pour les articles homonymes, voir Crossover. Le Plan d étude croisé ou étude crossover (en anglais Crossover Study Design) est un type de devis ou protocole de recherche qui implique l’administration d’un ou plusieurs… … Wikipédia en Français
study — ▪ I. study stud‧y 1 [ˈstʌdi] noun studies PLURALFORM [countable] a piece of work that is done to find out more about a particular subject or problem, and usually includes a written report: • According to a new study, home ownership in Europe… … Financial and business terms
Plan for Completion of Combined Bomber Offensive — Main articles: Combined Bomber Offensive and Oil Campaign of World War II The Plan for Completion of [the] Combined Bomber Offensive was a strategic bombing recommendation made by HQ USSTAF for the Allies of World War II to target Axis… … Wikipedia
study — stud|y1 [ stʌdi ] noun *** ▸ 1 process of learning ▸ 2 college work/subject ▸ 3 research project ▸ 4 room for reading, etc. ▸ 5 first drawing/model/plan ▸ 6 music for practice ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the process of learning about a subject by… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
study — stud|y1 W3S3 [ˈstʌdi] n plural studies ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(research)¦ 2¦(learning)¦ 3¦(subject)¦ 4 somebody s studies 5¦(careful consideration)¦ 6¦(room)¦ 7¦(art)¦ 8¦(music)¦ 9 be a stu … Dictionary of contemporary English